So this morning I decided to try breakfast steak and eggs. Let me just say this: fantastic. I am thrilled with my cast iron skillet, even though its new and not totally seasoned yet. I love it. It cooks eggs the way I like them, and cooking them right after you cook meat is awesome because all the yummy, fatty meaty goodness is cooked right in there with them. Yum. Not a bad way to start the week.
Now, I have a lot to do today. I need to clean. Its retarded messy in here right now and frankly, its driving me nuts. I am not, by far, the cleanest person out there. I am not a neat freak and a little mess doesn't bother me. But this is not ok. I mean, there is literally shit strewn haphazardly about in every which way. Its a mess and I can't look at it anymore. That being said, I'm also lazy. There are times when the mood to clean strikes me and I just go balls to the wall with it. But now is not one of those times. Sigh. I need to get it done though.
I also have paperwork to turn in on base. Hopefully it will make me some money. Well, it will. Just how much is the question. So we shall see.
I am going to pick up a desk tonight. I found it on craigslist and it was made by some girls dad like 50 years ago and I think its pretty damn awesome. So that is tonight. Hopefully its not total crap, but it looks pretty good in the pictures she posted. Who knows.
Oh, and just a side note...my new bed rocks my socks too. I slept great last night. No creepy crawlies from not thinking about what I was sleeping on the other night. So, yay for me. And my uber soft jersey sheets were awesome too. I highly recommend them.
I think that's about it for now. We shall see. I am gonna make my not-so-world-famous-but-more-locally-as-in-my-house-famous flank steak with cilantro-garlic-lemon drizzle and probably some asparagus. I'm actually pretty excited for this one. Hopefully it turns out the way it has in the past. Pics to come. Have a great Monday!
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