Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another day, another dollar...well, another day anyway

Today was a pretty decent day. I got up uber early, went to the gym and got my ass handed to me. It was 'Named Workout Wednesday', which means that they take a mainsite workout that has a name to it. There are lots of them, and they all suck. Today's was 'Kelly'. Its an older one that I have never done, and sure enough, it sucked.
400m run
30 box jumps (24in box)
30 wall balls (20# ball)
5 rounds for time
I did it in 31:35
If you watch the video, take note of the ending position of everyone. Yeah. That was me, too. Suck.
But anywho, that was early in the a.m. Before I even left the house I had made some eggs to warm up later, made my lunch and snacks for the day. Got my tea made up and a protein shake for after the workout. I felt very productive by 530. School was loooooong. I definitely felt tired today, for most of the day. I actually had to take an energy drink today and it worked out pretty well. Perked up and actually retained some of what was being said. I guess my only gripe about the day was when the people in class overloaded the circuit on my row, which made it not possible to keep my computer plugged in, which irritated me. So I had to actually pay attention in class and listen to the instructor. I ended up writing in my notes/journal book more, which I keep next to me during lectures so that I can write down random thoughts that I have throughout the day, which are usually distractors, or so that I can come back to them later so I don't dwell on them during class. Well, I ended up just writing in that more, but it turned out ok. We started talking about interesting things in microbiology finally (its been horribly boring the last three classes). Then home to some tasty pork chops and cauliflower rice. I studied for a bit, some biochem and medlaw, and am now ready to go to bed. I know that I should prepare my stuff for tomorrow, because 430 comes wicked early, but I really don't feel like it. I'm a little sore, a lot tired, and frankly, I just don't care. I know I can do it in the morning and I am perfectly okay with that.
I know this is a tad boring, but I really don't have anything of significance to talk about or anything enlightening to post. Just my day. Blah blah blah.
Night, peeps.

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