Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whiny officers and neurotic test takers

So today was a good day. All the studying I did over the past few days payed off. I ended up with an 88 on my biochem test today, which was ok, but I would have liked better. And it should have been a higher score, but I made some dumb mistakes. Oh well. Live and learn. What wasn't so good was the incessant whining and non-stop recreation of the test. All day long people talked about the test...'oh I know I failed'....'oh I got this one wrong'....'what did you get for number blah blah blah?' All. Damn. Day. The test was officially over at 0850 this morning. I can understand for the hour we had afterwards, until the start of our next class, that people would discuss it. But no. It went on all day. And it just got worse. I guess I just don't understand the need to relive it. Its done. Its over. You don't have a test booklet and your answers to go over, so why are you drawing it out over and over and over. It was very frustrating. So I tuned out with tunes ;) But anyway, besides whiny officers and neurotic test takers, it was a good day. I managed to not really nod off during lectures, even though they were snooze-worthy and they went on longer than usual. I managed to get some good reading done and even got a chance to read a blog that I particularly enjoy. The guy, who is a competitive Crossfitter, writes so eloquently and just says exactly what you're thinking....just much nicer. Which I suppose is the implied definition of eloquent writing. Anywho. Well, in his blog, he has a 'Fitness is...' and then has different posts about what fitness is to him. And I love it. And one of them was basically about how we create excuses and mental roadblocks that get in our way of reaching our ull potential, amongst other things. And it hit me that I really do make a lot of excuses when it comes to working out. I can always use the fact that I have homework to do or whatever, and I usually do. I usually find some way of getting out of going to the gym, even though I go quite a bit. I guess that even though I go more than most people, that isn't good enough for me. I know what I want to achieve and what it will take to get there. And by creating those excuses, I get in my own way. So, after getting out late from school and sitting in traffic forever, I devised a little workout that I could do at home. I did a quick warm-up, that should have been more, then I did the following:
3 rounds
200m run each round, then
Lt arm kb snatch
double unders
Rt arm kb snatch

It sucked. A lot. But I did it and I feel good. I'm totally ready for bed now, but I feel good. And I'm going to get my ass up early tomorrow morning and go before school that way I am awake and alert for classes and so I don't have to try and squeeze it in at night, when I should be studying. So yeah. He had a quote that I liked:
'The one meal you cheat, the one WOD you tank, the one foam roll you bypass: it all counts. Its what's meant by the theory of accountability- there's no such thing as an insignificant choice.'
It just hit me very hard that making excuses and not giving everything I have to my passions and pursuits, then what's the point? My passion is to be healthy and strong, and by creating excuses to not work out, or to go ahead and eat that piece of (fill in the blank with crap food), then I am quite literally wasting precious time that I truly do not have any extra of. I made excuses during the holidays to eat like crap, and gained back ten pounds of fat that I literally worked my ass for. And for what? Another piece of cheesecake? More chocolate? More mashed potatoes? Transitory things which have no long term value and which detract considerably from hard work and effort that I have put in in pursuit of my passions and goals. Well, no mas por favor.
He had some other great quotes, but I won't post them this time. Check out his blog at http://crossfitmobile.blogspot.com/ and look at the 'Fitness is...' tab. Its good stuff.
On that note, Im off to bed. I need to rest, as I do not get my much desired, and needed, 8 hours of sleep each night. 6.5 if I'm lucky. So I'm out. See you all later.
Night, peeps.

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